Chapman - Bowman - copy

Moving now against the wind, the city is open.
There are no locks.
Everything can be fixed
because everything is broken.

—Finola McDonald

Roland - Vultures

See: Hyperventilation,
Effects Of

Nanny was at the threshold and would they even make it in time, which was the planning aspect: had they not stopped for coffee in midtown, Selma, they wouldn’t be tailgating the grim reaper

—Andrew Ibis

Shimshak - Who knows

if it's possible make us so small / we can hover like gods / in a spray of Windex
— Aurora Lee Shimshak

Who knows, maybe I'm already living
James - Six Essays

The body is a technology of the soul: translator of light and darkness.
—Patrick Clement James

Six Essays for Six Works of Art

Haiku Reviews


